Smoking, Drugs and Alcohol
Want to Stop Smoking?
Visit or call the Smokefree National Helpline on 0300 123 1044 (Mon-Fri 9am-8pm, Sat/Sun 11am-4pm) - advisers are used to calls from people who are about to have a cigarette and want help not lighting up.
You can also access online chat support
If you are pregnant or have a long-term health condition which is made worse by smoking, there is a free Stop Smoking service in Bristol. You can self-refer by contacting Everyone Health - tel 0333 005 0095 / email or go to @EHBristolSS on Facebook. All appointments currently are via telephone and free Nicotine Replacement Therapy is sent in the post.
Problem with Alcohol or Drugs?
Over 50's Alcohol Helpline - includes an Alcohol Health Check
Alcoholics Anonymous UK - if you think you have a problem with drinking
Al-Anon UK - if your life is affected by someone else's drinking
ROADS (Bristol Recovery Orientated Alcohol and Drugs Service) - a Bristol-wide service to support anyone directly or indirectly affected by the problems associated with drug and alcohol misuse
Narcotics Anonymous UK and/or Cocaine Anonymous UK
WebFAM - a 24/7 online information service for family members and carers of people with substance issues
Drinkaware Online Tools & Apps
Online trackers and apps from Drinkaware to help you avoid harm from alcohol.
Download from:
Talk to Frank
If you have a problem with drugs Talk to Frank for friendly, confidential drugs advice